The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business 2022

Krista Mashore: A Guiding Light for Aspiring Real Estate Professionals

The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business 2022

“The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.” – Max DePree, American Businessman and Writer.

As a result of a paradigm change in the business sector, the ideas centered around business leadership have undergone significant development in recent years. The concept of what it means to be a leader has also undergone significant transformation in recent years to reflect the alterations that have occurred in the preferences of the workforce.

The above quotation encapsulates, to a large extent, what is anticipated of a leader in today’s modern business environment. Empathy, compassion, and the ability to set an example via one’s own actions are all essential components of a servant leader.

In a world after the COVID-19 pandemic, the requirement to be an efficient leader has become increasingly urgent. A few characteristics of an effective leader include the ability to instill a sense of trust in others, to demonstrate competence, to preserve a healthy working environment, and to respect the perspectives and contributions of others.

This volume, ‘The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business 2022,’ provides you with the stories of such profound leaders from a variety of business verticals and industries. And all of us here at Success Pitchers are incredibly honored to have the chance to tell you the motivational tale of Krista Mashore, the Owner of Krista Mashore Coaching.

Krista has been in the top 1% of coaches for the last few years. She began her journey by coaching real estate agents and professionals about 4 years ago.

Krista’s road to success was not easy. She had a troublesome childhood and hasn’t lived at home since she was 13, leading her to spend her teens in juvenile halls and foster homes. She then put herself through college to get her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction.

This paved the path for her to become a 3rd grade teacher for several years. However, this career path didn’t last extremely long after she had to go through the perils of infidelity with her then husband and being left nearly broke with two daughters to care for.

This is when Krista truly learned about her ‘why’ and her reason to succeed in life. “I said to myself that Thanksgiving after going through the divorce, I would absolutely ensure my daughters live the most abundant life they can and that would start with me,” Krista expressed.

She then quit teaching and became a real estate agent. Krista ensured that she stood out as the community market leader in her area. If every other agent was doing print ads, she was doing digital ads. If every other agent was doing open houses, Krista was learning to sell homes more efficiently without an open house. This led Krista to become the top real estate agent in her area and put her within the top 1% of agents in the country, selling over 100 homes a year, every year for over 20 years.

After mastering the world of real estate and finding a proven strategy to do it, Krista decided to get back to her teaching roots and coach other agents on how to do exactly the same. Now, as a coach Krista is helping thousands of agents reach their full potential financially and personally.

As a real estate agent and multi-million-dollar coach, Krista continually immerses herself in both worlds to learn exactly what agents and professionals need to stand out in order to deliver it.

Redefining the Real Estate Sales Approach

Krista defines her business, Krista Mashore Coaching, as “genuinely one of the most robust coaching programs you will find.” She proudly expresses that everyone who enters the circle is always blown away by how much Krista and her team offer and how much they serve.

Talking about the challenges she overcame throughout the pandemic, Krista says, “During the pandemic, we found our target audience harder to touch as a cold audience but once nurtured, extremely hopeful to sign up for coaching in order to learn how to THRIVE during the pandemic as I was doing in my business.”

As a business, Krista cut costs early on in the pandemic as she did not know what to expect. And once she got a feel for the market, she and her team launched two new events/programs that spoke directly to consumers’ pain points regarding the economy and instability of the market. This led to the massive success of the company – making last year and this year the company’s best years in business.

Driven to Achieve Excellence

Krista defines the term success as ‘complete and total abundance in your marriage, your families, your hobbies, your job, your spirituality, and your bank account.’ What motivates Krista to achieve this success is the desire to touch and help as many lives as possible with her coaching. While she coaches real estate agents and professionals, 50% of her training has to do with honing in on her clientele’s mindset and eliminating negative habits.

Krista’s responsibility as the owner of the company demands her to deliver the big ideas, train daily, create as much content as possible for video repurposing, and motivate her staff to succeed. “I love creating an environment that fosters total transparency and creativity in order to keep adding to our business,” she adds.

We asked Krista what advice she would give to the next generation of female leaders. In her response, she said, “Become the go-to authority in your area for your profession. Provide immense value with everything you post and create, and the leads will keep coming! GIVE. GIVE. GIVE. before you ask for business.”

As for her vision for sustaining the competitive edge of her company in the future, Krista plans to create a new event or program every three months in order to add to what she and her team currently deliver.
