Top 10 Women of Distinction in Law- 2022

Emel Yilmaz: Offering Best Movement Legal Guidance to Organizations and People

Top 10 Women of Distinction in Law- 2022

After graduating from Westminster University in the Law Department with honorary degree, Emel Yilmaz completed her MA at the University of Law. She worked at private law firms where she got experience in immigration law, business law, and corporate immigration law. She succeeded in corporate immigration law while getting practical experience, obtaining excellent outcomes for the visa petitions she submitted. Due to her impressive track record of achievement and client satisfaction, Emel has received much media coverage during her internship and legal practise.

Emel formed her own immigration consultancy business, Global Immigration Law, as the apex of her expertise in the immigration field for more than 10 years after becoming a specialist in immigration, corporate immigration regulations, and family visas.

“Being a business owner is harder than being an employee, to be honest,” says Emel. She further adds that one has plenty of responsibilities and all the employees are dependent on the business, in other words, on the leader. Emel’s role is to increase the success of her employees, training them, conducting interviews with the clients, and running the business at the same time.

Global Immigration Law

Global Immigration Law mostly works with corporate clients who want to establish a business in the UK or who are already established in the country but want to grow it by adding new skills and specialists. In addition to her business customers, Global Immigration Law also offers immigration services to highly skilled immigrants, academicians, IT professionals, artists, and STEM-trained candidates. In addition to providing application and management services for sponsorship licences, they also provide visa consulting services for skilled worker visas, Global Business Mobility Visa routes (announced in April 2022 and formerly known as Overseas Business Representative Visa and other business visa routes), Startup Visa, Innovator Visa, High Potential Individual Visa, Global Talent Visa, Scale Up Visa, and other business visa routes.

Incomparable Legal Offerings

Global Immigration Law distinguishes itself from its competitors by offering end-to-end services, which means we are there for our customers from the moment the application is started until it is successfully completed. It takes a comprehensive approach; visa and settlement procedures take time; and if any of its customers want counselling or support, the team continues to offer its services after they have received their visas. On the other side, Global Immigration Law assists businesses in their efforts to launch or grow their operations by offering corporate solutions. Emel shares, “We obtain their sponsorship license, help them manage their Sponsor Management System, assign certificates of sponsorship to their employees, and conduct visa application processes for their overseas employees.”

As a response to the shortage in staff in the UK, there is an increase in the companies applying for sponsorship licences to bring qualified workers to the UK, and Global Immigration Law mainly provides services in those areas.

Inside and Outside of the Workplace

When it comes to work, Emel is a hard-working, passionate, and determined person. She loves working in immigration, she always had, and she is still willing to pursue her career further. Her employees describe Emel as a humble, guiding, and understanding employer. She doesn’t like being a boss, she prefers to lead them. She shares, “When someone makes a mistake, I see it very humane. Everybody makes mistakes, and what is important is to learn from your mistakes and try not to do it again. This is my philosophy in life as well, we are all human.” She further adds that everybody is allowed to make mistakes; the problem is making a habit out of it.

According to Emel, Global Immigration Law’s culture and philosophy at the office is “Love your job and what you do but never let go of professionalism!” Also, the firm has a family culture at the office. Emel has never treated her staff members like subordinates; rather, she always acts on a level with them, seeks to understand their wants and issues, and works to find solutions that won’t disrupt the atmosphere at work. She appreciates having a welcoming and upbeat environment at work.

Emel enjoys mingling with her family and friends away from her job. She lives by her concept both personally and professionally since she thinks everyone needs to strike a balance between their personal and professional lives. She makes an effort to spend as much time as possible with her family and cherishes their time together.

Facing Global Crisis

According to Emel, the biggest problem has been a global epidemic that has affected every industry. After the lockdowns, the lengthening of the visa procedures, the implementation of travel restrictions, and the spike in applications to the Home Office caused a backlog that has made it difficult to explain to the firm’s clients. Emel relates that the client believed the firm was to blame for the increased waiting durations, although this was untrue.

Everything came to a standstill as a result of a global epidemic, precisely like the visa application procedure. Emel believes that this hiatus could be one of the hardest challenges she has faced in her career, but the company has emerged from it stronger than before.

Widely Acclaimed for Proficiency

On February 28, 2022, the firm was awarded as the Best Law Firm in the UK by an awarding body named Best of Europe Awards. Following the award, Emel has been featured with her article on Immigration Law in Lawyer’s Monthly Magazine in the same month. Furthermore, Global Immigration Law was shortlisted and awarded as “Immigration Advisory Firm of the Year” by Corporate Live Wire Global Awards 2021/22, listed as 5 Best Law Firms to Watch by American business magazine Silicon Review, one of the 5 Best Law Firms in 2022 by CIO Bulletin, Recommended Firm by Corporate INTL and also by Global Law Experts.

Recently, the firm has also been awarded the Most Outstanding Immigration Counselling Firm Award by Acquisition International. With a successive success story, Emel continues to provide her services with a high rate of success, customer satisfaction, and immaculate services with her team at Global Immigration Law. She is expanding her service scope in the immigration sector on a daily basis, as clients from Turkey to Italy, the United States to Qatar, France to Germany require her services, and the demand is growing.

The Key to Becoming a Successful Legal Counselor

Being an expert in your field is crucial, and Emel believes that expertise is the first quality of a successful lawyer. She, for example, focused on immigration law, although other legal advisers wanted to take on many specialisations. This is not what she prefers. After earning her university degree, she had already made plans to immigrate. And she still pursues that today and always will. She thinks it’s crucial to specialise in your field, be knowledgeable about what you do, and stay current with shifting immigration regulations.

Professionalism is the second quality that Emel takes into account. It is crucial to be professional when dealing with clients. She says, “Professionalism is building good rapport while keeping your distance from the clients.”

According to Emel, the third quality is communication. Having positive connections and being transparent with clients always leads to beneficial outcomes for both parties.

Advice to Future Solicitors

Emel advises the next generation of female leaders to never give up and to have confidence in themselves. What your friends, family, and social circle may say, she advises, “Turn a deaf ear to the negative remarks and criticism and trust in yourself and what you do.” She recommends finishing college, university, or a course, whatever it takes to give you a career, always relying on yourself and not others, and never ceasing to invest in yourself despite the challenges life may throw at you. In addition, she says, “You are all that you have in the end, and you will be your best friend.”
