Most Innovative Business Leaders Revamping the Future in 2022

Kevin MacRitchie: A Leader in Service Eco-System Development

Most Innovative Business Leaders Revamping the Future in 2022

Operating a business is both an art and a science. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to leading a team or a business; rather, finding the delicate balance of knowing your team, the business at hand, and thinking long-term while meeting everyday requirements is like solving a math problem. Kevin MacRitchie is a charismatic executive leader with extensive experience in operations and sales. He enjoys multifaceted equations that bring math, economics, technology, people, and the needs of others to life in a predictable way to see the future through the lens of today and a company’s history and solve it dynamically with smart people who get smarter every day as they work together to serve others. He is known as a change agent for business growth and turnarounds, talent development, and new market expansion, with a proven track record of leading cross-functional teams, designing cutting-edge business solutions and services, and driving greater efficiencies, accountability, engagement, and significant revenue generation.

The Centre of Quality Healthcare

Tactical Rehabilitation is a corporation committed to providing high-quality treatment to current duty, family members, and retirees of the United States Military, also known as “The World’s Greatest Heroes.”

David Marr, the company’s CEO and Chairman of the Board, founded the company in 2013 as a response to the poor and sub-standard healthcare that plagued US military assistance at the time. Over half of the organization is made up of military retirees or family members of individuals who have served in the military, making Tactical Rahabilitatuion uniquely suited to comprehend their particular gifts and service and deliver the best possible care.

Tactical Rehabilitation is the highest, or one of the highest, certified firms per employee capita serving the US Military because every employee is certified, licensed, or both in the area of business they operate in, or is on a path to do so within the first 6-18 months of employment. Tactical Rehabilitation prides itself on its patient and doctoral reviews, which rank it among the top and most valuable firms servicing military healthcare requirements, with thousands of 5-star ratings on Google and other platforms.

Value Added Healthcare Services

Tactical Rehabilitation is a provider in the Department of Defense and TriCare systems, delivering the best products, service, solutions, and patient care in the fields of non-pharmaceutical biomechanical and pain management solutions to active duty soldiers, their families, and retirees. Tactical Rehabilitation provides a variety of options tailored to the demands of each base.

Sole Supports’ world-class orthotics, which are only offered to US military personnel through Tactical Rehabilitation. Sole Supports is a design and manufacturing firm located in the United States that has brought the brilliance of Dr. Ed Glazier’s Mass Posture theory to reality with weight-calibrated and multi-use orthotics that encourage healing. This is a long-awaited advancement in orthotics technology, as previous treatments fell short of healing and were only able to slow the deterioration of a patient’s condition. When Tactical Rehabilitation picks partners like Sole Supports, the company focuses on actual rehabilitation.

The Role of COO

Knowing that he has committed, compassionate, and caring staff that believe in the organization’s aims to assist others with exceptional patient care and the finest available healing solutions makes Kevin’s day.

He enjoys waking up every day with his team, knowing that they are working hard to keep service members “service ready” and that every employee is doing their part to maintain that readiness. Because service men and women are ready and willing to serve, the team at Tactical Rehabilitation is equally ready and willing to ensure they are ready and able to do so.

Kevin’s role is to lead the overall business and work with, and through, the entire team to ensure that the company’s operations are as efficient as possible, that its partners understand and support the company’s mission, and that everyone is united in the common goal of serving a greater purpose and the heroes who keep the country free.

It is critical in Kevin’s role to keep a mindful eye on the business and its future as it continues to improve, while ensuring that the company does everything it can to provide the best possible care on a daily basis, in order to ensure that the entire staff is here to serve many generations to come. He reveals that three of the company’s employees are expecting babies in May/June 2022, and with each announcement, the entire team greets them as the newest future Tactical Rehabilitation employees, assuring that everyone understands the value of family. “Our need to support our employee’s family needs and remind us we are here for now and the future, and will pass the leadership reins, and all roles within the company, to future generations, and must act responsibly and accordingly to do so,” he continues.

Working with employees to inspire them and watch them evolve into new roles and leadership positions that will secure the company’s capacity to prosper for future generations is Kevin’s favourite aspect of his job.

Leading with Innovative Ideas

Tactical Rehabilitation thrives on innovation, which keeps it motivated and focused on improving itself and others. These inspiring ideas generate opportunities for the company to better serve others and grow its people into new roles while hiring more people to support its mission and its many successful partnerships with other companies to get it and its partners there, whether it’s new products, services, markets, or supporting or complementary businesses. Kevin states, “The key is to always move the goal post just before we arrive at our goals, so we are reaching endlessly to improve ourselves, and celebrating when we pass a “former” goal post on our way to a new one.”

The Significance of Embracing Company Culture

As per Kevin, the most important part of Tactical Rehabilitation’s culture in a single word is its “people”. He shares that they are the best and work tirelessly to serve the needs of the service ready status, which the company is focused on for its patients.

“When you add in our ‘culture by design’ with a definitive vision, mission, and goals we remain focused on and remind our people regularly of, to ensure we can all align to that and solve problems with that in mind, seemingly big problems become far more easily solved and people just work better together as a result,” explains Kevin.

Tactical Rehabilitation’s founder and board chairman, David Marr, as well as the company’s other board members (Reed Abernathy and James Polka), are among the most generous people Kevin has ever encountered, and will go to great lengths for the company’s staff and patients. He also mentions that they are committed to employee and patient success, and that they have developed and will continue to build a culture that attracts individuals to this fantastic firm known across the world as Tactical Rehabilitation.

Valuing People

Kevin values people. He loves to listen to people and really hear them and get their ideas. He has spent his entire professional career with executive coaches and smart mentors that have taught him that “I must know what I know and am good at, and hire very smart people that know what I do not know, and build a team with a full 360 set of views on all areas and aspects of our business, employee, and customer (patient) needs.” He further adds, “promote positive debate and an open culture to listen and adapt to market conditions and needed change to grow and ensure we provide a long-term view to the short term wants/needs/desires we may have within our company in order that we may remain successful and serve others for generations to come. “

Kevin has also learned the importance of being decisive and making decisions based on common logic so that everyone understands the reasoning and can move forward with a clear and simple strategy. Plans can be altered, he argues, but you must keep pushing forward and course-correcting along the way. “There is no perfect solution and no way to please everyone all the time, so decisions must be made, and work must progress in order for the whole of the company and those we serve to move forward and improve,” says Kevin.

Endeavouring To Make Positive Change

 “No service member left behind, no base of operations too small,” says Kevin. He says Tactical Rehabilitation will strive to offer assistance to every service member on the planet so that they can be Service Ready. It will grow and form great alliances while terminating those that aren’t. The firm will pay attention to its patients, physicians, and staff and strive to make beneficial changes in a timely manner that foster a sense of mutual partnership and purpose for those Tactical Rehabilitation serves and those that serve with Tactical Rehabilitation.
