The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business 2022

Rhonda Glover Reese: Creating a Diverse Workforce for Law Enforcement Agencies across the Globe

The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business 2022

With more than 34 years of federal law enforcement experience, Rhonda G. Reese has the expertise, profile, and diversity to help law enforcement professionals enhance their careers and workforce. She retired from the FBI after 34 years of service in law enforcement. Rhonda is a big supporter of professional growth in order to fulfill mission objectives and strategies. She is presently the CEO of the Rhonda M. Glover Group LLC, which provides coaching, and mentoring as well as leadership training and development.

According to Rhonda, a training and development culture will boost staff productivity and engagement. Training and development should be at the heart of all organizations since it is an investment in the professional development of your employees. Having your staff centered on your organization’s objective produces an atmosphere focused on what is most essential. Rhonda understands the value of diversity firsthand. Her background in human resources has positioned her as a subject matter expert on the necessity of onboarding management and investing in employee development to lay the groundwork for organizational success.

Before Becoming an Entrepreneur

Dr. Rhonda Glover Reese was born in Annapolis, Maryland and grew up in Washington, DC. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Later, Dr. Reese earned a Master of Science in Management from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. She received her Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. The title of her dissertation was “Making the Roadmap Visible: Black Female Leaders in Federal Law Enforcement Ascending to the Senior Executive Service.”

Dr. Reese began her career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in August 1984, when she was assigned to FBIHQ’s Technical Services Division. In 1985, she was promoted to a photographer in the Laboratory Division. In January 1987, Dr. Reese was promoted to the New York Office as an Investigative Specialist assigned to the Special Surveillance Group, where she worked on foreign counterintelligence concerns. She was promoted to the rank of Special Agent in September 1988. After completing her training, she was assigned to the Newark Field Division to investigate drug crimes. Dr. Reese served on the Newark Division’s original Evidence Response Team and worked on important investigations such as TWA 800 and UNABOM.

In July 1998, Dr. Reese transferred to the Washington Field Office and continued to investigate drug matters. In March 2000, Dr. Reese was promoted to Supervisory Special Agent and assigned to FBIHQ, Criminal Investigative Division, Drug Section, Colombian/Caribbean Unit. She was then transferred to the Inspection Management Unit, Inspection Division, where she served as an Assistant Inspector. She also served as the Inspection Division’s Chief Security Officer, where she developed policies and taught security personnel throughout FBIHQ and the field.

In June 2005, she was promoted to the Newark Division to oversee traditional Organized Crime matters. In October 2006, she started an Intelligence Program squad of Special Agents focused on developing human intelligence. In September 2009, Dr. Reese was promoted to Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) of the New Haven Field Office overseeing the National Security Branch, which was comprised of the Counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, Cyber, and Intelligence programs. From October 2011-March 2015, she served as the Criminal/Administrative Branch ASAC with program management responsibilities for Violent Crime, White Collar Crime, Violent Gangs, Public Corruption, Violent Crimes Against Children, Financial Management, and Support Services. She also served as the New Haven Division’s Leadership Coordinator and Compliance Officer.

Dr. Reese was assigned to the Human Resources Division, FBIHQ in Washington, DC, in March 2015, where she served as Unit Chief with responsibility for the Onboarding New Employees Program, a program designed to help new employees through their first year of employment with the FBI. Dr. Reese worked as the Professional Development Program Manager in the FBI’s Human Resources Division, where she was in charge of professional development content delivery. She was also the Team Leader for the FBI’s Cross-Cultural Mentoring and Sponsorship Program, which was created to alter the FBI’s leadership environment by fostering inclusive and mentoring connections and expanding more varied career development networks.

Dr. Reese has been a life member of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) and the Chairperson of the NOBLE National Youth Committee since 2002. As chairwoman of the youth committee, Dr. Reese created the celebrated annual youth leadership conference, which impacted over 3200 adolescents. She is also a founding member of the NOBLE Connecticut Chapter, which was founded in 2010. Dr. Reese is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), where she served on the Human and Civil Rights Committee. She launched the IACP’s onsite community service and Explorers Project in 2008 through the Human and Civil Rights Committee, which is carried out yearly during its annual conferences. As a result of her work with the IACP, she was appointed and served on the National Law Enforcement Exploring Committee. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Public Safety Cadets. Other membership organizations include being a Diamond Life member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, a Life Member of the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People, the National Council of Negro Women, and the National Association of African Americans in Human Resources. In September 2012, she was selected to participate in the prestigious Master’s Series for Distinguished Leaders through the Skinner Leadership Institute, a program designed to empower leaders in Washington, DC. Dr. Reese also serves on the Board of Directors for the Women’s Initiative Network at Old Dominion University and the International Black Women’s Public Policy Institute.

Dr. Reese holds certificates in Nonprofit Executive Management from Georgetown University and Howard University School of Business Executive Education – Global HR Institute. She is a member of the International Coach Federation. In addition, she holds certifications from the World Coach Institute as a Career Coach and a certification from the Youth Coaching Institute as a Youth Mentor Coach, focusing on ages 14-30.

Dr. Reese was honored by Success Magazine as one of 50 women selected as a “2022 Woman of Influence” whose contributions have impacted industries, communities, and the personal and professional lives of others. Dr. Reese is also a co-author of the best-selling book, “Dear Fear Volume 2:18 Powerful Lessons on Living Your Best Life on the Other Side of Fear.” She is also an international speaker centered on active shooter, fear, and preparing for your 2.0 pre- and post-retirement.

Following Passion

Coaching and mentoring, according to Rhonda, are her passion, purpose, and promise; otherwise, they are her superpower. She uses her passion for law enforcement to effect change. She says that, while mentoring is regarded as a development tool, coaching is not a well-known strategy for investing in your career in law enforcement. It may be a technique utilized by law enforcement executives, but not by the rank and file.

The Rhonda M. Glover Group, LLC is a people-investment organization focused on individual growth, personal and professional development, and change. Through coaching and mentoring, as well as leadership training and development, the objective is to empower individuals and support law enforcement agencies in their workforce investment.

The Rhonda M. Glover Group LLC

Consulting, coaching, training, and development firm that works with clients in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. In conjunction with partners, the Glover Group helps leaders and organizations strive to reach their maximum potential. The Glover Group helps shift organizations and individuals by providing customized coaching, consulting, as well as leadership and professional development services in the U.S. and abroad.

Day-to-Day Leading and Managing

With her 34 years of federal law enforcement service, Rhonda had the opportunity to amass a significant amount of experience in the development of people. She asserts, “My goal is to help people get out of their own way. I get gratification in seeing people transform, develop, and successfully excel in their careers and personal lives.

Rhonda is a giver of time, which has gotten her into stressful situations. The key is that she learned from those situations and was more mindful of the disbursement of her time. She shares, “I am intentional about showing up at my best, so I think about ways to always be better at what I am doing. I am goal-oriented and monitor my progress regularly. I align with my purpose and passion and have improved at not taking on projects that do not align with my vision.” While she has a team that assists her in her branding and marketing, she runs the day-to-day operation of the Rhonda M. Glover Group LLC

Recognition as a Professional

In 2017, she received an Honorary Doctorate in Humanitarian Services from Lincoln College of New England, and she was the first female commencement day speaker in the 50-year history of the school.

Rhonda is the recipient of the Johns Hopkins University 2018 Woodrow Wilson Award for her distinguished government service.

Rhonda has received several recognitions throughout her career, most recently the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives Civil Rights Award for the development and oversight of the NOBLE Youth Program and annual youth leadership conference. She birthed the NOBLE Youth Program in 2001.

Vision for Upcoming Years

Rhonda recently completed her doctoral journey, and her dissertation is titled Making the Roadmap Visible: Black Female Leaders in Federal Law Enforcement Ascending to the Senior Executive Service. While she is sharing the results of her study at leadership conferences and workshops, she wants to share her results on a global scale and make an impact on law enforcement worldwide. Also, Rhonda seeks to expand her efforts in the area of youth leadership development.

Testimonial from Client

Rhonda Reese has continuously shared her expertise and professionalism throughout our sessions. She has displayed positivity and constructive feedback and exhibits active listening skills. I am grateful for the opportunity to be mentored by a dedicated professional female in federal law enforcement with a wealth of knowledge to share. Rhonda sets the performance bar high, and my mentoring experience has impacted my professional career in a positive way. Thank you for all you do, and I look forward to working with you soon.

Amanda- TX
