Most Successful Business Women to Watch in 2022 Au...

Robin Bleier: A Veteran in Healthcare with a Demonstrated Work Record

Most Successful Business Women to Watch in 2022

To enhance the health of patients and populations, health care executives must overcome a wide range of challenging situations. Addressing these difficulties needs leadership abilities, particularly in the health care sector, where there are growing expectations of increasing quality and access while controlling costs. Understanding who you are, how you work, how your company works, and how your work affects the larger community populations is essential for effective leadership. One such healthcare leader is Robin A. Bleier, who started her career in healthcare in 1982 as a nursing assistant and then became a pharmacy technician, working as both while going to school to become an LPN. She later returned to school to become an RN and then a Health Care Risk Manager (HCRM). She has worked direct care through COO roles. Ms. Bleier now owns and operates RB Health Partners, Inc. and has for over 20 years of her 40 years in healthcare. Ms. Bleier states “It is her pleasure and a blessing to work in healthcare, especially in Long-Term Care (LTC).” She values her team members and clients, many of whom she has known for over two decades.

Ms. Bleier is a subject matter expert in long-term care with a focus on risk management and regulatory compliance. She has co-authored multiple national articles and manuals and speaks nationally on risk management & regulatory concerns, and more.

RB Health Partners, Inc.
RB Health Partners is the premier healthcare consulting firm focused in LTC (skilled nursing and assisted living), with a team of subject matter experts second to none. A woman-owned business in Pinellas County, Florida, it supports clients around the country, serving as a beacon, leading clients over treacherous seas. Recommendations for services are based on evaluations, available alternatives, and standards of professional practice, as well as rules, regulations, and innovative programming to promote optimal resident/patient care.

Ms. Bleier states, “We provide a full spectrum of services such as analytics, back to compliance, clinical reimbursement, clinical services, infection prevention & control, Human Services (activities & social services), risk management, quality assurance performance improvement, joint commission accreditation, education, regulatory program development, Health Information Management, ICD-10 coding expertise and customized services.” Individual skilled and assisted living homes, health care associations, and governmental entities are engaged with RB Health Partners, who presents recommendations to its clients.

As President
In December 2020, Ms. Bleier received “Congratulations 20 Years of Service” award from the RB Health Partners Team. While it is her responsibility to lead the firm, she feels she would not be able to do so without her passionate and committed team. She says, “We all share values that include commitment, kindness and care for others, including our team members as well as clients and the individual residents in the centers we serve.” As a risk manager and regulatory subject matter expert, she provides billable services on a daily/weekly basis herself. She assists with teaching, training, development, marketing, and administrative tasks. Unless one of the company’s Vice Presidents handles the call for her, she answers the phone 24-7-366. She works with a fantastic group of people, which makes her job a lot easier and more fulfilling.

Ms. Bleier says RB Health Partners participates in LTC groups and organizations to keep current on LTC rules, regulations, and trends, clinical services, and professional practice standards. Its team, who act as advisors, has “on-the-ground” experience. The entire team participates in education and training to keep current.

Living Happy and Fulfilled Life
Ms. Bleier was drawn to healthcare after serving as a junior volunteer at Easterseals for several years while her elder brother was being treated. She later worked as a Candy Striper at a local hospital while living in New Jersey. Her objective was, and continues to be, to help people, and she discovered that healthcare was an excellent way to do so. She mentions, “I would hope others might say that I am compassionate and committed to helping others. I try to be fair and consistent. I also try to put myself in other people’s shoes. I am a lifelong learner.”

Ms. Bleier appreciates nature and the outdoors, as well as quiet periods. She is happily married to Walter Kittle, a retired chiropractor, who is now an exceptional composer and musical artist. She states, “If you have not heard of him, I encourage you to google him as he really is great (not just because he is my husband).”

Ms. Bleier believes that, like all people she makes mistakes. When this happens, she hopes she and the individual can collaborate so that both recognize and neither repeats. She adds, “I try to live my life with passion. Like all, I have had great experiences and sad ones too, and ultimately that turbulence is what shapes us all into the people we become and continue to grow into.”

Future Vision
Ms. Bleier believes everyone knows that staffing and labor are major issues across the country and the world. She observes that leaders in health care, particularly in skilled nursing and assisted living institutions, are forced to take on ‘floor’ duties, making it more challenging to interact with them and increasing the need for interim professionals to fill assignments to assist the facility leaders back into their roles. She further adds, “As we look back on our first two decades and look forward to our third decade serving nationally, as what we hope is the premier consultancy firm, we want to assure you that our mission, which is to inspire and support our clients to be exceptional providers of long-term-care services, continues to lead our actions and activities.”

Leader’s Perspective

What changes do you wish to bring to society?
I see the need for more kindness. Note that this does not mean we do not hold people accountable, as accountability is what helps us grow as people. However, life is not always easy.

What do you consider to be your most outstanding achievement so far, and why?
We have amassed a great team that is well respected for their skills and recognized as excellent teachers and trainers. My goal is to be the best employer I can be so that our experienced team can focus on clients’ needs.

Kindly describe how you will precisely know what success looks like for you.
Success includes knowing that we consistently help clients. Our goal is that clients act on our advice to them by choice, out of trust in our team and their experience. Client choice and partnership is the key for ultimate success. Success also includes having a happy and productive team, a very important goal to me.

What advice would you give emerging women leaders and enthusiasts considering a career in the wellness sector?
My advice to all leaders who want to work in healthcare, especially LTC, is to be compassionate and flexible, in addition to being knowledgeable and committed.
