The 10 Most Admired Businesswoman of the Year, 202...

Luboslava Uram: Guiding Digital Transformation in the Financial Sphere

The 10 Most Admired Businesswoman of the Year, 2024

The digital industry is witnessing a transformative shift, and women are playing an increasingly vital role in steering this evolution. Their participation in leadership positions is contributing to innovative approaches, diverse perspectives, and a more inclusive workplace. Luboslava Uram, the Head of Group Digital Solutions at UniCredit, stands as a notable figure in this landscape. 

Luboslava’s journey in the digital realm, marked by her recent roles as CD&IO Italy and Head of Retail Business Platform, and currently Head of Group Digital Solutions at UniCredit, reflects not only her commitment to driving digital transformation but also her dedication to fostering inclusivity. With a leadership style that places people at the forefront, Luboslava leads a team of over 1,000 professionals, embodying the blend of results-driven strategies and a people-centric ethos. 

Starting her professional life in Slovakia, Luboslava’s early focus on analytics and data warehousing paved the way for her passion for digital transformation. Her decision to work in different countries exposed her to diverse challenges and experiences, shaping her into a leader who seamlessly adapts to change and perseveres when necessary. 

Leading Digital Transformation 

Ever since Luboslava’s academic journey in Applied Statistics and Big Data Analysis, her passion and focus have revolved around data, information technology, and transformative processes—a dedication that has persisted to this day. Her professional trajectory in the IT sphere has been versatile, spanning roles from the vendor side, through management consulting, up to IT in the banking industry. Throughout, her central drive has consistently been to guide companies in enhancing their IT operations, fostering effectiveness and efficiency from various perspectives. 

Described by one of her bosses as a “Parachuter,” Luboslava is known for constantly aiming to comprehend diverse topics and challenges, both professionally and personally. She collaboratively devises optimal solutions with her team. Her tenure at SAS and CapGemini provided invaluable insights into navigating sales amidst financial crises and constrained IT budgets. These experiences enriched her expertise in IT optimization and cost-saving methodologies. The financial industry has been a pivotal and demanding sector throughout her professional journey. 

The culmination of Luboslava’s career path led her to UniCredit, where she has thrived in an international setting, embracing a spectrum of topics and managerial responsibilities. Currently serving as Head of Group Digital Solutions, her commitment is evident in her daily efforts to share knowledge with colleagues and partners. This collaborative approach is essential to collective growth and continuous progress in the dynamic landscape of digital solutions. 

Balancing the Equation 

Luboslava emphasizes the importance of a balanced leadership approach that integrates both a result-oriented mindset and a people-oriented ethos. She believes that success and future viability hinge on achieving tangible outcomes while fostering a positive and collaborative work culture. Her result-oriented approach involves establishing clear goals, maintaining transparent communication, and strategically selecting and retaining the best talents for her team. The definition of “best” includes not only professional qualities but also a cultural fit within the team. Luboslava advocates for positive leadership, standing next to her team, especially in tough and challenging moments. This hands-on approach has proven instrumental in implementing projects, introducing new tools, platforms, and processes efficiently. An example of this success is the recent achievement of being nominated as a finalist for the Gartner Eye on Innovation award in the EMEA region for the UCX platform at UniCredit. 

Luboslava’s leadership philosophy emphasizes that leaders should not worry solely about results but should prioritize caring for and developing people. She believes that by doing so, results will naturally follow. The energy and inspiration of her team drive her to pursue greater objectives and contribute to something more profound and meaningful. Luboslava finds immense satisfaction in providing her team with space for personal and professional growth, opportunities, and improved working conditions. Open and honest communication, along with active listening and empathy, are paramount in creating a harmonious environment where performance and personality seamlessly coalesce. 

Vision for UniCredit in the Face of Evolving Banking Dynamics 

Luboslava acknowledges the evolving landscape of banking, where customers are increasingly conscious and are steering banks towards greater purpose and sustainability. Customers now prefer banks that align with these values and contribute to a sustainable future. This shift is evident across various banking channels, from the materials used in payment cards to the design of physical branches and the financing of green and climate projects. In response, banks must reorganize and redefine their services and branches, leveraging data to evolve offerings in line with customer needs while ensuring long-term value. 

Another significant challenge is digital transformation and the optimization of the existing digital operating model. The emergence of new players in the market, such as shadow banking and neo banks, aims to provide customers with a cheaper and more convenient alternative to traditional banking. Neo banks, with their innovative features, cutting-edge technology, and strong customer service, focus on serving customers more efficiently in some areas than traditional banks. 

Luboslava views her daily job as transforming internal IT and processes to keep up with market demands, with a key focus on modernizing the digital landscape and optimizing exposure to legacy systems still running on mainframe platforms. The challenges and opportunities presented by the market dynamics are reflected in her efforts to transform UniCredit’s internal IT and processes, with a specific emphasis on regional coverage and finding synergies for implementing digital solutions across different countries in Europe. The goal is to adapt to market changes, embrace innovation, and provide clients and stakeholders with the benefits of leaner and simpler operations. 

Innovating the Digital Frontier 

As the Head of Group Digital Solutions at UniCredit, Luboslava is deeply committed to keeping the bank at the forefront of digital innovation, and this commitment is embedded in the organization’s DNA. She fosters a culture of continuous learning within the IT team, actively encouraging them to explore new technologies through conferences, webinars, and certifications. Staying ahead in the digital landscape is not just a strategic initiative at UniCredit; it’s a mindset that permeates every aspect of their operations. 

Luboslava believes that, given the size of the organization, it’s crucial to engage people, benefit from their ideas and proposals, and provide them with enough information and opportunities to learn. She regularly organizes sessions called Meet2Learn, where different innovative topics, vendors, and fintechs are introduced. Colleagues can attend these sessions within their working hours, learning new things and bringing back examples of how to apply them in projects and delivery. 

UniCredit sources many innovative ideas from internal teams across Europe and collaborates with startups and fintech through their StartUp Lab. Through mentoring and financing various ideas, they challenge the status quo and encourage a different way of thinking. This approach ensures that UniCredit remains dynamic, adaptive, and at the cutting edge of digital solutions in the banking industry. 

UniCredit’s Collaborative Way of Success 

Luboslava identifies the unique opportunity and challenge of being present in different markets and countries across Europe. UniCredit has the chance to engage teams to work together and benefit from each other’s ideas, driving innovation and digital transformation towards common goals, particularly in achieving a cross-UniCredit customer experience. This involves creating a standardized yet personalized customer experience in different regions, across various channels, and for different products and services. 

Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration is a key strategy, achieved through joint projects and task forces where members from different teams bring their unique perspectives to problem-solving. Recognizing and rewarding innovative contributions further motivates teams to actively participate in the collaborative process. When designing customer experience journeys, UniCredit allows different countries to lead others, fostering a network and collaborative environment. 

UniCredit sponsors are encouraged to empower product owners to share ideas without fear of judgment, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. This collaborative spirit is deemed essential in navigating the dynamic landscape of the financial industry and positioning UniCredit as a responsive and forward-thinking institution. It ensures that UniCredit remains at the forefront of customer experience and innovation in the diverse markets it serves across Europe. 

A Blueprint for Continuous Growth in the Digital Landscape 

Luboslava employs a proactive approach to stay relevant amid numerous daily responsibilities. Her strategy involves meticulous planning, dedicated time allocation, and consistency. To ensure continuous learning, she commits to participating in at least one (preferably two) external training sessions or certifications every quarter. Additionally, she prioritizes attending industry conferences to stay abreast of the latest developments. 

One of her most effective learning strategies is dedicating time each morning, before the workday begins, to self-improvement. She devotes an hour to reading articles from professional magazines or focusing on specific chapters from books related to digital professional topics. When quick onboarding on a specific topic is needed, she leverages services like Fiverr to obtain collected, researched, and summarized information. 

For in-depth knowledge or practical experience, Luboslava relies on her professional network. Actively engaging with contacts, she reaches out for insights and learns from their experiences. This networking approach has proven invaluable in gaining references and practical knowledge, contributing to her ongoing professional development.  

Guiding Principles of Leadership 

Luboslava’s decision-making process when facing complex issues or opportunities within UniCredit is guided by three core values or principles: Curiosity, Respect, and Resilience. 

  • Curiosity: Luboslava approaches complex issues with an inquisitive mindset, actively seeking to understand the nuances and explore innovative solutions. This curiosity drives a continuous quest for knowledge and improvement. 
  • Respect: Open communication and the valuing of diverse perspectives are paramount. Luboslava prioritizes fostering an inclusive environment where every voice is heard and respected. This commitment to respect ensures a collaborative and harmonious workplace. 
  • Resilience: In the face of challenges or opportunities, Luboslava is committed to maintaining composure, adaptability, and perseverance. This resilience ensures a steadfast pursuit of goals for the benefit of UniCredit and its stakeholders, even in dynamic and challenging circumstances.

Charting the Future

Luboslava’s aspirations as a digital transformer involve actively contributing to UniCredit’s next evolution of its digital strategy. Her overarching goal is to play a pivotal role in shaping and implementing this transformation. The focus is on leading her team to become integral participants in this journey, ensuring they are well-prepared, motivated, and ready to contribute with enthusiasm and dedication. 

In the upcoming period, Luboslava aims not only to drive the transformation process but also to instill a sense of collaboration among colleagues. Her objective is to foster an environment where everyone is not only prepared for the changes but is also engaged and passionate about delivering results. 

Looking ahead to the next year, Luboslava envisions reflecting on her efforts and being able to affirm that she has done everything possible to propel UniCredit’s digital strategy toward becoming a modern and ambitious European digital bank. Her ultimate aim is for both herself and her team to contribute significantly to this transformative journey, ensuring UniCredit’s continued success in the digital landscape.


“It´s all about simplicity, empathy and engagement”

“UCX is not just a platform, it is a paradigm shift of development”

“Creating. Enabling. Leading into the future.”
