Prior to starting Terminator, Vanisha Breault worked in the not-for-profit sector, in addiction, mental health, and homelessness. One of the organizations she worked for was a homeless shelter, Canada’s largest, in fact, housing some 1200 of its most vulnerable population. This work was very hands-on, front line in the trench kind of work.
Terminator Foundation is a cutting-edge approach to tackling the opioid, addiction, and mental health crisis. The team works with individuals who are impacted by mental health and addiction to support their recovery journey using ‘Activity-Based Recovery Therapy.’ Vanisha states, “Our program specializes in using the three disciplines of triathlon; swimming, biking, and running. We utilize these specific forms of exercise as a therapeutic approach to assist, and strengthen addiction and mental health recovery and wellness.”
Below are highlights of the interview:
What has been your biggest learning since becoming an entrepreneur or business leader?
I have accepted that I will always be learning. My desire to learn will never stop. This acceptance keeps my mindset in a constant state of growth, and openness to be stretched or challenged. This has afforded me the perspective to now invite opportunities for expansion and evolution. I’m not afraid to take risks and try different things. Every goal we set, every level we attempt, the key is to identify what needs to be learned to get there. Even failure, or failed attempts, are packed full of opportunities to learn and grow. Nothing is ever wasted.
How do you motivate people to go the extra mile?
Simply put, I believe in people. I believe we are capable of so much more than we can see for ourselves. I see ‘the more’ in others, what their next level is, what their transformation can look like. Anyone can go the extra mile if someone believes in them and sometimes that’s all we need. It’s important that we support people right where they are at while at the same time not leaving them there. The true power lies in their ability to feel and experience how much you believe in them until they can learn to fully believe in themselves.
What gets you up in the morning? What motivates you?
I get to do this. I love the life I have created. I love my people, my family, friends, the people I work with and the people that benefit from our foundation. I’m excited to be able to do what I do. It doesn’t feel like work, this is just my life! The greatest way we can spend our lives is in service to others. I have found that true happiness is serving and giving back to others. It’s where I find the most peace and joy. Nothing motivates me more than this.
Kindly describe how you will specifically know what success looks like for you.
For me, personal and professional success needs to be integrated. First and foremost, true success is having my children’s admiration, love, and respect because they are the only ones who truly know me on the deepest, most personal level possible, and they know my true character. I could have the admiration of the world around me, but if my own children want little to do with me, then how successful am I really? The principle that we stand on as an organization is that ‘one life matters’. If we can turn one life around, that is success! Every life that comes across our path, we aim to make a difference. If it’s one life or if it’s one hundred lives, the measuring stick is the same. It all matters. A life is a life, is a life.
What is some of the advice you give to aspiring women leaders?
Manage your decisions. Be clear on what you want, take inventory of yourself, be brutally honest with yourself about where you’re at in life (in all your roles), be prepared to ask yourself the hard questions, and be ready to move forward with the answers to those questions. Understand that managing your decisions will not necessarily make the road smoother, but it will support you in staying focused so that you do not lose sight of why you made that decision in the first place. “Know your why.” Take full ownership of the life you want to live and lead, and be mindful that you will do it with grit, courage, and patience.
What are your future plans to sustain the company’s success?
Terminator has just recently become a Federally registered and recognized charity. We are currently working to expand nationally. In time (3-5 years), we will go international and then global with our programming. Our success is found in transforming lives. In order to do that, we will continue to believe in people, invest in people, and never give up.